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A note to the district's Military

I 100% acknowledge and respect Colorado Springs' military presence.

A healthy, strong military is essential to a nation's sense of presence, empowerment, and safety in the world. We must take back our reputation as the best and brightest, and deliver on it with excellence, integrity, and courage.

Let me say those words again...

If elected into Congress, you can bet that given the opportunities, I will take your development and what resources you have available at your disposal very seriously and with a passionate interest. I promise I will make it my duty to educate myself about the matters most vital to ensuring our military elevates to the position it and *you* deserve, and apply that information meaningfully.


I know I have a lot to learn to get to the point where you can trust that I am an undebatable authority on your maintenance and betterment, but we all start somewhere, and if elected into Congress you can absolutely count on me surrounding myself with only the most reliable voices and sources of information to make the best decisions for you. I will not let anything that seems unclear, lacking ground, or lacking integrity past me. I promise you that. Those sorts of beaurocratic failures end up reflecting on you and sours our national reputation. You deserve the best. We deserve the best.

But it takes us working together. Let me earn your trust, your respect, and your vote!


We can make the world a better place. Let's start here at home.

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